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Many institutions in the modern society have essays writing as its major assignments. It therefore requires each student to be conversant with the clear and correct form of writing an essay. An essay has a structure which consists of three parts. It begins with an introduction whereby you are required to illustrate the key ideas of what you are doing. You are required to give a detailed account of the contribution of your chosen topic in the modern society.

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The main body consists of a number of paragraphs which also should scrutinize the points related to the chosen topic. You are required to indicate checked materials and interesting areas in your work. This is the reason for using this information as scientific publications, modern journals, references books, encyclopedias as well as newspapers. Use simple notions and conditions when writing an essay. This will prevent from misconstruction and inexactitudes. The conclusion describes briefly the materials used. In your essay try to avoid repetition, colloquial expression, spelling and grammar mistakes as much as possible.

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